7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Wait, Wait, Don't Lift it...Yet.

Apr 01, 2023


Hello Dear One!


If you (LIKE ME) would like to not only have your cake and eat it too, but have it FASTER - this is a great tactic in the world of weight lifting.


ForEVER have I heard of lifting weight with slow and controlled movements, but because of my explosive weight lifting past (KETTLEBELLS) I didn't put much value on that approach.


But lately due to enough fit chicks I follow on social media reinforcing such things - I thought to finally give it a try.


And guess WHAT?!?


It's been doing some noticeable things for MY body!



1. Fast Muscle Growth

2. Sped up Leanness

3. More Wiggle Room with Carbs

4. Greater Insulin Sensitivity 

(easier to lose weight and harder to gain it)



And this video reinforces all the benefits once more in greater detail.



So if FASTER RESULTS for similar efforts are an interest - please consider giving this new approach a try.


And if you need help with either understanding how to not get hurt, or what they heck to do in your strength training efforts - please be in touch.


Make sure you set yourself up to be CLEAR and CONFIDENT in order to ensure SUCCESS.


We can chat about what you're struggling with, looking for, a plan, or a session based on your needs and desires.


Would love to help you if there is a need.


To getting clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M 


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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