7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

USE IT to LOSE IT - our first Fat Burning Workshop!

Jul 13, 2024


Hello Dear One!



Thought to share the news that Unbound had our first Fat Burning Workshop, "USE IT to LOSE IT - weight loss simplified".






It was an intimate gathering of eight in a comfortable and bucolic setting.





We talked about the weight loss equation and how to side step typical pitfalls, diet myths, and strategies to make weight loss SO much easier for the future.



All who attended were engaged and shared stories personal to their struggles as well as questions that were pertinent for all.



We also sipped on the best, "diet", drink (Fat Burners use and love this) on the planet.



IT was FUN!





It was great to speak more in depth about how Fat Burning and the body functions, to meet more lovely ladies, and get to share some eye opening information as to how weight loss works and exactly why it doesn't have to be so hard.



Excited to host another next month!



If you're at all interested in attending a live workshop in the RI area - let me know.





And if you're inclined to be able to attend from a slightly more remote location and have an interest in coming to a virtual workshop = please say so and I will let you know of the next date.



If you're ready to stop making excuses for the obstacles in your way and instead put your energies into a vehicle that will reliably help get you there (ahem, Fat Burning PRO)...


please check out our program and the 5 steps we walk through to enable weight LOSS to become EASIER and weight GAIN to be HARDER. 








If you're a woman over 40 who'd like to lose 8-15 pounds in a month while having more energy and slowed aging please check out Fat Burning PRO.





Start living the way you'd like life to be NOW!



To getting you clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.



xo, M



7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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