7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Start with the End in Mind

Dec 09, 2023


Hello dear One! 


As the holidays grow closer, I just thought to share some great advice I recently received that may also be of use for you. 


Rather than having the holidays come to a close and not only experience regret around what DID happen we often have disappointment about what did NOT. 


A sage suggestion that was recently imparted to me shared the encouragement to start with the end in mind, which I thought was so genius. 


So what DO you want this holiday season? 



Is it to avoid some of the typical things many struggle with (weight gain, stress, over spending??)? 


And/or are there also things that you really want to make a point NOT to miss? 


Perhaps that’s present time with family. 


Or making a point to give of resources (time/energy/attention) to those less fortunate. 


Maybe even taking some time off.


Or having more deliberate down time. 


Or even doing fun things with loved ones that help you to develop deeper connections and relationships. 



Whatever your wishes are this holiday season let’s put them front and center in order to help make them happen.


We are always at choice in the decisions we make. 


If ____ feels like too much, or less than desirable - consider how you might wish to shift how you participate with that thing. 


Or step away from it entirely. 


Our moment is our own, and even if we do have responsibilities, we always have a choice to make what’s happening work for us and enjoy our time on this planet. 


So let this season be MAGICAL for YOU!



And truthfully if you’ve been trying to make it special for others, that step towards making it exquisite for you will help to do just that. 


Hope that was useful. 


And hope this GENTLE and LOVING attitude feels GOOD. 



If it does - please know that thinking LIKE THIS abounds in Fat Burning PRO as the better we are to ourselves the more conscious we can be and the easier it is to make supportive choices on repeat. 


If you’d like an approach to weight loss that is WAY more about LOVE than about simply ingesting LESS (but results in a load of comfortable LOSS) join Fat Burning PRO


In 4 weeks most people:

  • Lose between 8-20 lbs
  • No longer feel frustrated with weight loss
  • Have a sense of freedom in life going forward


Would love to have you join us and ring in the New Year as a slimmer, more self loving, peaceful you. 


To getting clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you. 


xox, M



And PS: If you'd like some useful things to focus on ADDITIONALLY to help you with follow through in any capacity - check out Unbound's latest podcast: SUCCESS SECRETS



7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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