7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quickie Work Out

Sep 12, 2024


Hello Dear One!


If you've every been tight on time and rationalized not doing ____...




IF you know you need to be consistent with ____ in order to attain a particular desire, than simply make what you're working with that day WORK for YOU.


The other day my morning whittled away to FAR less than I intended regarding how long I had to workout.


So what did I do?


I adjusted.



Instead of lifting which would've taken far longer and feels harder to break up, I decided to do something that felt a bit more intense (as it was to be my carb feast that day) and shorter.


I've been getting back into a relationship with kettlebells lately, and have also wished to be doing more glute centric exercises that don't add TONS more time to my lifting life.



HOW PERFECT to be faced with the ideal opportunity to use these tools for what they're best at:

- intensity

- efficiency

- glute development


This fuller body exercise is a great one that could be done with a heavy dumbbell as well, plus it didn't overtax any one area of me interfering with lifting the next day.


I did sets of 10, switched up the weight I was using (12 kg and 16 kg kettlebells), and rested between.


I worked for the duration of time I had and finished sweaty and satisfied.


You could do this for longer and possibly intersperse other exercises around this with rest as well (kettlebell swings, overhead presses with a backwards lunge, pushups, planks, jumping jacks, marching in place...whatever works).






Less is not always a worse thing.


And less never has to mean NONE.


NONE will move you further away from the outcome you wish for, but if you still stay on track in a slightly paired down or altered way - you'll continue to move steadily towards your desires.


And sometimes less than ideal circumstances enable you to get creative and have even more of what you want.


So give this workout a try if you end up being like me one day.


Wishing for a bit of challenge in less time.


Would love to hear what you think.


AND speaking of MORE from LESS...


The latest BOOST has begun!



We all did our first FAST Sunday eve to sometime Tuesday.


The feedback from people who had done the last BOOST was great.



And the feedback of how people were doing during (EASY) and after their FAST (energized and comfortable) was exciting!


This reoccurring 3 week group program is only for Fat Burners who are SOLIDLY accessing their own fat.


And now that they are routinely adding in 36-48 hour FASTs they are both speeding up their progress comfortably while effortlessly improving their health.


So exciting!!


If you're ALSO a solid Fat Burner and wish to join the next one - be in touch.




AND if you're a woman over 40 who'd like to lose 8-15 lbs in a month while having more energy and slowed aging - JOIN FAT BURNING PRO!



It's a transformation and education that is meant to last a lifetime.


To getting clearer on how the body works and how to make it work for you.


xo, M



7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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