7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast


May 21, 2024


Hello Dear One!


If weight loss is your goal are you of the mindset that we must EAT LESS AND MOVE MORE in order to achieve it??


If so you're in good company.


Typical diet culture has us aiming to ideally eat few calories while pushing our bodies to the limit in the gym.


The sad fact is reducing our intake while increasing our output IN THEORY makes sense - however it can end up being quite counterproductive. 


On the EAT LESS front - if you've yet to read or listen to the sharing on, "How to safely EAt 1000 calories in a day", yet - Please check it out here.







The FASTEST way to either DEEPEN  a sugar burning mode or to get you OUT of a Fat Burning one is to exercise intensely.


High intensity intervals done without awareness.  Longer moderate (to high) steady state cardio.  Lifting weights or doing circuit training without resting..


All this can EASILY ask the body for fuel FAST making it calmour for the most quickly accessed fuel it has, which is (drumroll)...SUGAR!


There is everything right about this wiring - and it's for survival purposes.


But if we're NOT running from a bear or defending ourselves from an attacker - we DON'T want to deliberately be looking to get our energy from sugar.


So some great things to do?



 - have your high intensity training workouts consist of 20-30 second work pieces

 - 1+ minute rests between rounds

 - make the whole session 20-30 min max

 - walk for 30 min following


LONGER STEADY STATE (moderate to higher intensity)

- in general DON'T do this!

- if you feel your hunger rise and if you LOVE doing those activities simply do them for slightly less time (see how that treats you)

- OR create more of a lower key interval type format with longer slightly slower intervals of work, and even longer slower periods for rest (1-2 min on, 3-5 min off)



 - REST between sets or rounds

 - make a point to feel recovered before you go again





I always feel like such an asshole when I reiterate to my Fat Burners that to speed up weight loss simply DON'T EAT.


And What I really mean by that primarily is have MORE TIME when you're NOT eating.


Every time we eat insulin is released into our system.  


Insulin not only stores fat but it blocks our fat from being used for energy.


It makes all the sense in the world to ENABLE our body to use our fat and not hinder that process.


That's why we do intermittent fasting, and that's why we deliberately use tools like Bulletproof Coffee, Apple Cider Vinegar in water with Stevia, and electrolytes (no calories/carbs) to enable us to comfortably go for longer between meals keeping insulin OUT of our system for longer.


So if you can hang in there a bit longer and SKIP the snack, you'll be enabling weight loss to happen in a far simpler and more streamlined way.





So YES To eating less calories to help with weight loss, but in a way that helps you to feel just as full.


I call these Bang for Your Buck Foods.



PROTEIN is always going to be a winning element in your meal not for the purpose of it being a good source of fuel, but because it's filling and will keep you full.


In the campaign for LESS = MORE I'd start LOW for both portion as well as fat content.


The goal with that is to ADD MORE as you recognize you need it (wasn't super satisfying and didn't keep you full as long).


And that can be anything:

- ground meat

- beef

- poultry

- seafood

- dairy 


Start with a lower percentage of fat and dial it up as desired.





Greek Yogurt and Cottage Cheese are SUCH winners on the fullness front if they work with your digestive system.  Again, start low regarding fat percentage and work up if needed.



Additionally non starchy higher fiber VEGETABLES are also winners like:

- cabbage

- cauliflower

- broccoli

- broccoli rabe

- mushrooms





These foods can be super satisfying and supportive and a nice accompaniment to your meals.


- sauerkraut

- kimchee

- pickles





There are so many condiments and spices we can add to our dishes that will make them infinitely more tasty.


- Mustard

- hot sauce

- horseradish

- vinegar

- lemon juice

- lime juice

- cilantro

- basil

- oregano

- garlic/onion powder

- salt 

- pepper

- smoked paprika

- red pepper flakes

- cinnamon

- extracts (vanilla, orange, banana, almond)

 - COCOA POWDER (high fiber = makes a dish/dessert more filling)







A few foods that are pretty fatty but SO SATISFYING would also be:


- Nut butters

- avocados

- olives


My biggest encouragement here is to MEASURE what you're having.


All of these substances are rich and can make your meal so much more filling with even a small amount of them, but because they're so fatty it can be easy for a little to weigh in at a LOT.


Simply be conscious about how much your having and take your meal to another pleasurable level.





This is my newest effort in the realm of emotional eating.


To help us NOT eat TONS of food FAST, we need to deliberately SLOW DOWN.


A great way I've found to do it lately is to:


1. take a bite and PUT THE FORK DOWN


3. pick up the fork again AFTER you have swallowed 


This practice feels uncomfortable, like a total pain in the ass, AND it's super effective.


It will help:

- eating register with your brain so you don't keep reaching for more food

- eating to register with your belly so your fullness will register in real time

- prevent overeating and the discomfort and regret that comes with that


And it's fair enough to know we could push past fullness even if we did slow down, but the slowing down helps with the ANXIETY that drives compulsive eating, and it is SO much easier to rationalize NOT continuing to eat when our fullness is LOUD and CLEAR.


Plus lastly you will ENJOY your experience tenfold by deliberately slowing it down.  It will be so much more pleasurable - you'll notice and appreciate the subtleties of the flavors and textures of your food as well as the environment and even the company should you be dining with another.


It's great.


Mindfulness and being present is something our culture talks about often but doesn't experience much.


Consider practicing a tactic like this to insert some of that supportive way of living into a consequential part of your day and life.


And the best part about trying to do this over and over again is that it'll benefit your waistline each time you do it and will become easier and more natural as time goes on.


Hope that was all so useful.





And if you're a woman (or a man!) over 40 who's ready for LIFE to be different with improved metabolic wiring please check out Fat Burning PRO.


If you're ready to lose 8-15 pounds in a month while having more energy and slowed aging - please join Fat Burning PRO.


And if you're ready to no longer feel like you have to WORK HARD while STILL not having what you want - please check this program out.


Everything can be different while doing WAY less and gaining WAY more.


To getting you clear on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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