7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

How (and WHY) to Love Your Body

Mar 11, 2023


Hello Dear One!


If LOVING YOUR BODY has been something you've struggled with - let's talk.


First of all women are KIND OF taught to hate themselves.


To criticize themselves.


To scruitinize and find what's wrong.


To doubt, regret, and negate themselves.


So waging a regular war against the home that keeps us safe and gets us around is to be EXPECTED.


BUT that conditioning does NOT have to remain.



Today is my birthday (3/11) and as I turn 46 I'm more keenly aware of the cultural FIXATION we (and increasingly ME) have on AGING!


I used to never think about it, and now I do quite a bit.


And as someone that is pretty self loving towards my body, I thought to implement the same thinking around possible changes that happen with age, AND SHARE IT.


First of all we HAVE to make ourselves right.


That our shape, size, quality of skin, whatever - is PERFECT.


That it's actually AMAZING.


That our toes, hips, thighs, nose, neck, eyelids, EVERYTHING is SO sexy and alluring.


So beautiful.


So sublime.




Every inch.






Breath taking.








Because you actually ARE.



"What I've learned about working with you is that it's not about the weight...Looking good...for me it's about feeling calm.  Feeling peaceful...my SHMEC (symptoms that let us know if we're burning fat or not) helps me to realize I need to do something for my body,"

  - S (Mom, generational care taker, and on and off Fat Burner for YEARS)



When we SATURATE ourselves in loving and affirming words we DROWN OUT the shit that takes our life force and makes us feel self conscious, anxious, unworthy, unacceptable, and unlovable.




And the benefit of doing that is that you'll FEEL GOOD, and I swear you will LOOK EVEN BETTER too!


Both to YOURSELF as well as to others.  


But the feel good part will also make you feel CONFIDENT, more connected to yourself and your inner wisdom, AND more able to be PRESENT.


It's AMAZING how much energy self criticism takes.


It's so wasteful.


Thank goodness we don't have to participate in that craziness any longer.


PLUS the truth is if you actually DO wish to change something about your physical appearance (lose 20 pounds, have smoother skin, improve your posture) - you'll be starting from a more advantageous position.


When we ALREADY KNOW that we are a knockout and a superstar - we feel GOOD about the PROCESS!


Our self esteem won't be wrapped up in getting there enabling us to ENJOY where we're going while delighting in every point on our path.


CHANGE will be an easier and more welcome prospect because it won't kick up an onslaught of inner berratement - but instead excitement for you to simply have more of what you want.


And LASTLY the reason why it's SO DANG important to be self loving is because it will keep you SAFE and making SMART decisions that are in your best interest.


When we're riddled with self hate (or even the subtle under current of negative self evaluation) we FEEL CRAPPY, our energy is lower, and we are MALLEABLE.


We're WAY more likely to doubt or apologize for ourselves, and infinitely more inclined to make decisions based on fear and worry.


Regardless of what THE or OUR truth is in any given situation.


When we criticize ourselves we get SMALL.


When we PRAISE and LOVE UP on ourselves we EXPAND and SHINE.


So if you'd like to feel better in and about your body - start praising the CRAP out of her.


And if things feel, "ok", - start praising the crap out of her OR about everything else.


OR if you think things are great - do this anyway, and see if anything changes for the better.


So many women have told me that when they wish to shed some weight and feel better in their bodies - they don't because of their fear of their inner critic having the volume turned UP.


Don't let this default stand in the way of what you really want.


Shower yourself with LOVE and PRAISE and simply GO GET WHAT YOU WANT.


You deserve it.


And if weight loss IS your desire - do it in an environment that is SAFE and LOVING. 


Do it where you'll be MADE RIGHT and CELEBRATED exactly where you are.


Fat Burning PRO is that welcoming and supportive space that is BASED on self love.


From listening to and honoring your body, to attending to your feelings, to having making yourself right be reinforced over and over again.


It's a full being approach that is meant to go in a straighter line than most because we have WALKED away from the old model of SELF PUNISHMENT in order to lose weight.


So if you'f rather chew on THAT for the next 5 weeks + - join Fat Burning PRO.


It's meant to create change in every direction.


To getting you clearer on how your body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M 


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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