7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

G Flux = Better Body, Less Time

Jun 11, 2024


Hello Dear One!


This sounds enticing, yes?


This might actually being a BIT familiar, but I wished to go BACK and share why exercise that supports G Flux is so great more fully, and also how to use it best for Fat Burners and those wishing to stay in a Fat Burning mode.


G Flux stands for energy flux and is the relationship between the consumption and expenditure of energy of a body.  It can be thought of as the amount of calories you, "turn over". 


The theory is that you can improve MANY things: health, conditioning, muscle mass, body fat percentage - if you incorporate more intense training along with more calories.



G Flux's Benefits include:

- better body composition (more muscle and less fat)

- faster metabolic rate (burn more calories as a rule)

- more easily adapt to training stress

- improved training performance

- faster recovery

- improved health

- increased insulin sensitivity

- improved nutrient partitioning (your body uses the calories you consume better for your betterment)

- improved micronutrient delivery (vitamins and minerals get where they need to go)

- increased muscle tissue remodeling and turnover (more muscle made and muscle that is stronger)


What's super cool about this is calories can remain the same for the amount of energy you're expending (with more/intense exercise) and one can still both LOSE fat and build muscle (body recomposition).


A great way to create a body with a high G Flux (a body that turns over more energy = metabolism) is to have a workout program that includes.

1. strength training

2. low intensity cardio (walking)

3. high intensity intervals


I think we've all known that HIIT or strength training has value, or can create a faster metabolism at rest - but this is a bit more on how it works and WHY we should all be doing it.


In the realm of Fat Burning we're always cautious to not push ourselves TOO MUCH exercise wise because that can QUICKLY get us back into a sugar burning mode, but if we use HIIT or more intense exercise strategically we (surprise) get to have our cake and eat it too.


So, I would encourage EVERYONE to do this and to structure your exercise week as such (ideally).


- strength training 2-3xs/week

- walking 60+ min 2-3x/week

- HIIT (20-30 min max followed by 30 min of walking) 2-3xs/week


Take one full day off if that feels best.


Make a point to move every day and have walking feel like recovery (my vote).


Do HIIT for 20-30 min and skip the walking that could follow if time doesn't allow.


Whatever works.


But know that this structure WORKS.


Kind of forever.


I've valued HIIT because it amplifies human growth hormone and undeniably makes a body conditioned more quickly.



But I LOVE understanding why it IS undeniably GREAT.




If some is good MORE is NOT better.


Please keep your HIIT to the prescribed amount and not more.


This can greatly impact weight loss progress (as many Fat Burners have learned with our approach to DIAL BACK exercise greatly as they begin and ease more fully into a Fat Burning mode).


It can also be quite wearing on our nervous systems (fatigue, increased cortisol, run down, easily sick, sore).




So if you have any HIIT workouts that you love that fit into that time allotment (with equal+ amounts of rest = great!).


Here's one I love doing on the stairclimber (intense on it's own).




AND if you'd like to simply make a point to add in some G FLUX HEAVY exercises these might be of use:

- burpees

- kettlebell swings

- battle ropes

- plyometrics

- olympic lifts (dumbbells, kettlebells, or real deal big weights)


These exercises are INEFFICIENT which means they MAKE our bodies work harder to do them resulting in a greater G Flux.


I personally have become friendly lately with an AirDyne bike which can be VERY intense.  Short bursts with long rests is the name of the game here.  Or longer work periods with VERY long stretches of rest = simulating a race.


Loving the challenge WHILE making a point to not over do it (not more than 20-30 min and not more than 2-3xs/week).


So know that SOME is a great way to go with HIIT, not all or nothing.


And the 2 things I'd like to make clear re G flux training.


It will TYPICALLY call out for more fuel.


Which CAN be perfect.


In general we do NOT want to do exercises that jack up our hunger, but VERY intense and brief can have so many benefits that it's worth it (in my opinion) if done strategically.


PLUS this actually showcases the metabolic flexibility of a Fat Burner best.


Needing more fuel on demand when called for in extreme situations (sprinting = fight or flight) is what we're made to do.



Then going comfortably right back to burning fat when that requirement has passed is what we're made to do.


 So if you're a Fat Burner make sure you LISTEN to your body and adjust.


Hope that felt useful and not confusing.


I'll be making a video of this in our Fat Burning group, so if you're there give it a listen.  And if you'd like to see more - let me know.


And lastly if you're a woman over 40 who's ready to get SAVVY about how her body works and lose 8-15 lbs in a month while having more energy and slowed aging - PLEASE join Fat Burning PRO.


Get in the KNOW about all things that can enhance your body and your life.


Would love to have you join this ever increasingly lean, savvy, sexy, confident, joyful, at choice community.


To getting you clearer on how the body works and how to make it work for you.


xo, M


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

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