7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Comfortable + Challenging = Efficient Exercise

Feb 04, 2023


Hello Dear One!


IF you consider yourself short on time (like most of the planet) and often rationalize NOT exercising for such a reason - here are several offerings to check out to CHANGE that.





For forever and a day will I recommend this glorious tool.


It combines strength and cardio and will get your heart rate up and make you SWEAT FAST.


You don't need many kettlebells to grant yourself a killer workout, and you honestly don't need many moves to make your whole body work.


I remain a fan of aiming for an hour of exercise (especially if you wish to lose weight), but with kettlebells that time could be reduced AND if you wished for more you could easily break up workouts into two, 20 minute+ segments to make it work in your day/life.


I'll reshare the one main workout I've put into video form (clearly need to create MORE of these, especially for our MEMBERSHIP that's coming) because it's something you can literally use OVER and OVER again.






Whether you DO or DO NOT have access to one of these bad girls STAIRS in general are challenging.


The way to use a Stairclimber best (in my opinion) is with BRIEF intervals and LONG rests.


This will NOT spike Cortisol (increases blood sugar, raises insulin, reinforces a sugar burning mode, AND even runs the risk of breaking muscle down for fuel), PLUS this structure is totally palatable because of the ratio of work to rest.


While still making you WORK.


 Here's a workout I've LOVED, and have happily done MANY times.






A girlfriend recently reminded me of how awesome a piece of cardio equipment a jumprope can be.


So I picked mine up again the other day and was humbled and THRILLED with the manageable challenge it held.


I personally think counting is really helpful for staying focused and feeling a sense of progress.


I found myself counting to 100.  Five times.  And I did that two times around my weight lifting workout.


But that could be it for your workout.  Start small.  Make it doable. 


Jump for time.  30 sec on, 30 sec off.


3 min in a row.  5 min solid.  10.  Whatever.


Match your tolerance and interest.


Give yourself a rest, and either begin again, do it again in a short while (after something else), or pick it up another day.


**Additionally I'll encourage anyone interested in getting into jumping rope to BUILD UP SLOWLY.  Tight calves and soles of our feet are easy to come by - so give yourself time to let that unwind happen, as well as NOT working for a long duration from the start.


The most important thing to consider when exercising is NOT GETTING HURT - so make sure you're being wise in that effort.






Heavy loads make us WORK.  IMMEDIATELY.


You could tailor this to be included in with your strength training.


OR you could also deliberately CHOOSE to challenge yourself with every day tasks.


All the groceries at once.


Carrying your, "too big", child more than you have been.


Using the stairs when transporting items to their final destination.


Lifting things instead of asking for help from your significant other (if safe for your body).


These little pops of, "WHOA.", are so efficiently physiologically disruptive.


They pack a punch and can make a positive change with little time under effort.




Additionally when lifting weights you could simply use a weight ONCE that's really challenging and then go back to business as usual.


There's an awesome byproduct that additionally happens by simply FLIRTING with a heavier weight briefly making your body instantly adapt to being MORE ABLE simply because you told it that it needed to be.


So very cool.


Then when you go back to your regular weight you'll be amazed at how much easier it will feel. 


And it will also enable you to get closer to using that heavier weight more regularly and for more repetitions.






All bodyweight exercises are not created equal regarding bang for your buck.


Anything that makes you move your body in a more dramatic fashion:

- jumping

- being on the floor and coming up to standing

- pushups

- pullups (duh)

- holding much of your bodyweight up/off floor


And truth be told an AMAZING workout that is not only challenging but that will literally make you FIT FAST is this simple but EFFECTIVE burpee workout.



- 30 sec on

- 30 sec off

repeat 5 times.

POSSIBLY rest 5 min and repeat.


Give it a try.  It's kind of unbelievable.


And here's a video on some of the ways you could modify a burpee (but there really are an endless number).




So that's it!


Give some of these efficient exercise alternatives a try if tight on time and see how you do.


Like with creating ANY significant change - CONSISTENCY RULES.


Start small and just keep doing it.


AND while exercise is VERY important for overall health - it is NOT essential for weight loss.


The fact that you've opened this email (and possibly read this far) means that TIME MATTERS to you.


If you would like drop some pounds in a VERY EFFICIENT manner with NO additional time at the gym - Fat Burning PRO could be a great approach to the change you desire,


You will end up saving time and effort in the short (and LONG) term.


To getting you clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M 


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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