7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

BOOST Your Burn - New Program

Aug 27, 2024


Hello Dear One!


Wished to share that we have a NEW PROGRAM that is for ESTABLISHED Fat Burners ONLY!


We just finished a 2 week beta BOOST this weekend and will be beginning a 3 Week BOOST September 8th through the 28th.


The goal of this BOOST is to expose Fat Burners to slightly LONGER FASTS done with regularity.


My wish for this program is to show Fat Burners what their metabolic wiring is now capable of doing and how to leverage it COMFORTABLY and EASILY.


The RESULT of doing slightly longer FASTS is to SPEED UP WEIGHT LOSS and IMPROVE HEALTH.


Intermittent Fasting has so many benefits, and slightly longer fasts have even more.


- ability to get into stubborn areas of stored fat 

- autophagy (cells eat up parts that aren't working well)

- improved digestion

- insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation

- slowed aging

- apoptosis (cells have the ability to break down and do away with defunct cells = cancerous ones)




It is like SLEEP in this capacity.


The body HEALS when it SLEEPS and when it FASTS.


So when we give it a chance to take a break from typical FOOD for a bit longer than usual...it does MANY other things with its energy and time.


And all byproducts serve us WELL.


A few things about the BOOST:

 - FASTS are 36-48 hours

 - You'll learn what to drink (and when) and even what to EAT during a FAST

 - Taught how to exercise during a FAST

 - Will be connected with a FASTing BUDDY

 - Become part of a Community (with an ongoing chat)

 - Weekly+ video calls keeping everyone as connected and informed as desired 




Some BOOST feedback:


So much vacation AND so much weight loss!



In control without hunger OR cravings after coming off an over 36 hour FAST.  Think this lovely lady made it to almost 48 hours that day!



Heck YES!



Buddy Chat.



Love how many moved past their own disbelief that they could even do such a thing.




Love that vacation was more FLEXIBLE and PLEASURABLE and that this made packing even EASIER!!



I think everyone surprised themselves with how comfortable they felt.



BOOSTing Buddies are the BEST!  So important to have SUPPORT from someone who's ALSO doing what you're doing!



Love that FASTing gives us ENERGY and can FEEL SURPRISINGLY GOOD!


Less than 2 weeks!


I too had a dress fit better after week 1!  (with shorts underneath it no less!)




This lovely lady only did ONE real deal FAST (was clear she needed to get a bit more solid Fat Burning wise in order to FAST for longer).



Not quite 2 full weeks


Only did ONE real FAST with us and then was AWAY for the rest of the beta BOOST! 


My Progress from the BOOST = down 4 lbs scale wise (barely imperceptible), had my share of missteps, learned a bunch myself.



Excited for the next BOOST 9/8 - 9/28.


So if you're ALREADY a Fat Burner and you wish to turn up the VOLUME on what your body is able to do - whether that's speed up your progress OR help to soften the blow of unexpected indulgence (including upcoming vacations and the HOLIDAYS)...


join us for the next BOOST!


It's sure to be ANOTHER education to last a lifetime.


AND if you've YET to become a Fat Burner and are a woman (or man!) over 40 who'd like to LOSE 8-15 lbs in a month while having more ENERGY and SLOWED AGING...




When you're wired to BURN FAT you have SO MUCH FREEDOM in LIFE!


Would love to have you join our every growing community of leaner, more lit up, having our cake and eating it too, healthier, happier, FREER PEOPLE!


To getting you clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M 


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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