7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

2 EXTREME Ways to Drop Pounds Fast

Jun 26, 2023


Hello Dear One!


Do you generally think slow and steady wins the weight loss race?


Or are you someone that's always signing up for the next deprivation diet?


The truth is BOTH can work.


And ANOTHER truth is that I find BOTH work best TOGETHER.


The big caveat to STEP #1 in being able to do more DRASTIC things with your body is to first be in a Fat Burning mode.


When you're there it's super easy to eat less and to eat less often which is UBER HELPFUL in the effort.



Here are 2 Super Simple Tips that Fat Burner's use that could also be appropriate for ANYONE who's also wishing to reduce their waistline.






Allowing yourself to get a bit hungry can greatly speed up weight loss.


By letting your body go a bit past when you might normally reach for something you allow a natural survival mechanism to kick in.


Because our body always wants to make sure that we're upright and lucid - when our blood sugar starts to dip there are safety measures in place to make certain we stay steady and ready for when food IS next available.


What happens when our belly starts to rumble and we reach a feeling of EMPTY (not DESPERATE, in pain, or feeling radically compromised) the hormone GLUCAGON (a fat releasing hormone) gets secreted mobilizing fat from cells, converting it to glucose and putting it back in the blood stream to keep our blood sugar within a certain margin.


This action is so beautifully passive and natural.


Being in a Fat Burning mode makes this VERY EASY.


BUT if you are NOT majorly in a Sugar Burning mode and you know that you can hang on a bit most days and do NOT need to constantly cram sweet or starchy carbs into your craw - this would be an interesting thing to check out.


We're made to store fat for future use when we consume an abundance of calories, and then BURN IT for fuel when we don't.  That's all we're deliberately doing here.





This is something that always blows my Fat Burner's minds.


We have regular and deliberate carb feasts which HELP with weight loss.


When we reduce calories and carbs (super useful to lose weight) we also impact (LOWER) the hormone Leptin.


Leptin lets us know that we're FULL and that we can LET GO OF FAT.


Since the body is ALWAYS aiming to ensure that we WON'T DIE it does not want us to drop a load of weight super fast - so it enlists this kill switch if we push things too far too fast.


What to do?


Periodically EAT UP!


This can be as straightforward as listening to your body and simply eating more when you are undeniably hungry - or you can get guided through a more established system with direction as how to customize things further, with a coach or program.


Carb Feasts are something that comfortably reinstate Leptin so that you can dial things back the next day and keep trucking steadily towards your goal.


PLUS this is also so very convenient for LIVING and knowing you'll always have a chance to have your favorite dishes, snacks, or desserts in a few days WHILE continuing to lose weight.


WHICH makes weight loss/maintenance possible to be sustainable.


It's so fun, easy, and freeing! 


I know I personally wouldn't/COULDN'T live any other way!


So give these two tactics a try!  


See if they make sense to you.


See what happens if you use them.



And if you both desire to be in a Fat Burning mode making these behaviors SO VERY COMFORTABLE to do AND wish to have solid guidance on when/how/how long to do them - please check out Fat Burning PRO.


We're all meant to burn fat for fuel, and this program will get you set to do just that making weight loss easier and weight gain harder - for life!


To getting you clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M



7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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